"Mother of all smartphone" Apple granted 25 patterns.

Apple granted the pattern for most of the smartphone features.Apple granted nearly 25 patents on Tuesday which has most powerful weapon for legal fight.Among all the patent one pattern is particulary help Apple for all the smartphone features comes within one umbrella that patent is  No. 8,223,134 which tells that "portable electronic device, method, and graphical which has the powerful display and electronic list of documents".

It includes all the Apple innovation like Apple specifically designed for blogging,email,telephone, videoplayer,widgets,camera,calendar,browsers,notes,searched,maps.The important patent granted is multi touch screen interface.This pattent was granted to Apple for their first innovation before 2006 even at the time Samsung,HTC,LG and other smartphones not having touch screen in the market. This latest pattern granted to world most valuable company Apple its additional power to Apple to solve all their legal issues.

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