Now a days everyone using whatsapp and try to transfer some photos from PC to Phone but due to memory constraint we keep all photos in PC itself or Laptop itself.But at the same time we try to send some good snap to friends circle or relative circle through whatsapp.So we think it will be good to have whatsapp on PC or Laptop.Yes we can use the same replica of phone whatsapp into PC or Laptop.
Here is the procedure to exactly view the same whatsapp screen on PC or Laptop from iPhone or Android Phones.
Step 1:
First open the web browser Google Chrome or any other browser and type". Once this website is entered we can see the below screen on the browser. The screen comes with Unique QR code.
Step 2:
Take the iPhone or Android Phone and open the Whatsapp application. Then Go to Whatsapp settings and select the Whatsapp web option. Then the below window will be open in the
Phone screen.
Step 3:
Tilt your phone into horizontal mode and scan the QR code which is display on the browser screen.Once the Phone has detected the QR Code immediately the Whatsapp screen will be
visible on the browser. Then continue using the whatsapp on PC or Laptop.
This is the procedure to use Whatsapp on PC or Laptop.