Apple has conducted the WWDC 2012 event at cupertino.Entire world was interestingly looking out whats going to be the new to mad Apple fans. Interestingly we have recived the MacBook Pro with retina resoltion
is the one fo the hotest release in the WWDC 2012.Followed by MacBook Air also released with high resolution display on June 11 WWDC.
The entire Key notes of all the sessions conducted during last five days available in the youtube with high resolution.This video is nearly two hours of long video.Also this long duration video available in the
Apple's iTunes website as well.
Now one of the interesting part is we can download the video from youtube and keep it in our pocket device and lets whats when ever we required.Apple released lot of news in the WWDC 2012 like they
have revealed their new MacBook Pro with retina display also new iOS 6 OS.
Also there is new update on integrating facebook in iOS 6 as well as special news of Maps.The cababilties of Siri Apps.So lots of new things has introduced in this event.Dont miss the Video to watch.